Creating something from nothing…

Is sometimes easier to do on canvas than it is on a blog! (Especially if you are as confused as I am at this very moment.)

The good thing is, it’s slowly coming together and bit by bit I am figuring out how to morph my blog-site into the look I want. I have an idea in my head, it’s just figuring out how to lay it out on the template.

Thanks for your patience!

HELP! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!!!

No, not really. However, trying to figure out how to format this WordPress blog is proving to be quite a bit more challenging than all the YouTube videos show! 😦

Please hang in here with me if you will… Or not. If you don’t, well, I understand. But- before you go, will you please say a little prayer to help me get this blog set up properly?! (And maybe come back and see my progress in a few days).

Many thanks!!!

Art / Painting, Writing, Parenting / Children and More…